Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Undead Project

Project Hydra Will never be Dead!

Long time no update..... :)

As you might recall I have been caught by the TCC (Motherfuckers....) and as such I was supposed to have a trial... The Asat Sanegor got me a plea bargin and I got off with community service.

My new Title will be Library.Commander :-P

In any case as part of my bargin I have agreed to stop facilitating the transfer of illegal files in the Technion, forever. (not doing so will result in expulsion for two semesters)

As such, I have been refusing for some time to help new people connect to Project Hydra, and will continue to do so - I am sorry but I can not know you are not spies from the TCC!!! :)

I believe that Project Hydra will never die, and as such may be classified as not only a private, encrypted p2p network, but also as an undead p2p network.

while most will work hard with their anti-sematic Mirc scripts, Project Hydra will not die.
while some will be caught using DC byt the TCC, Project Hydra will not die.
while DC ports and packets will be blocked inside the dorms, Project Hydra will not die.

and then when all else fails they will all come back, and send me an e-mail:

connect me, please
my pulic key is:

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 juliamt

and I will be merciful and answer

Hi! I can not connect anyone anymore.

but feel free to contact someone from the comments over at the blog:

such will be the future.

-Moonbase.Commander (aka: Library.Commander :)
I am in the moon, commanding your base.